Don’t do that! It looks like fun. It will look good on my… There are many reasons we do the things we do. From time to time, we can make ourselves seem insane. Sometimes the way we do our thing is just asinine. There’s no better way to say it.
I’ve often found we live our lives to try to blend in the wrong way. Even in adulthood, we do the things we do to fit into little cliques. Those strident life decisions have upturned a lot of potential for many of us.
Truth be told we’ve lied to ourselves attempting to fit into places we don’t belong. Search your heart or look around you. Our emotional scars are as visible as physical wounds on our bodies. And that is the harsh part of life because wisdom teaches us that there is a better way.
Our hearts are incredibly deceitful at times. I can think of about several instances in my own days that my heart tries to convince me that I can’t do something, or that I shouldn’t for several reasons. We can get the thought in our heads that we are not good enough or we’re not going to be able to complete something we want to do; worse is when our hearts get us to quit, mid-stride.
Many of us have sordid stories of experts and counselors and other things that have failed us or have been of great help. We all have our own vices and preferences to cater to.
Personally, I’ll make a case for the word of God. Over the years the word of God has pulled me out of my own head. Not that I know it all but being a man who takes the time to critical think; I came to understand that when my heart is lying to me, meditating on the word of God (considering His word), reminds me that I don’t have to have it all together.
One thing about God is He tells us the truth, and if we’re willing to turn to Him. We find His word faithful in our times of need. Isaiah 55:11 reminds us, the Lord said “The words that come out of my mouth; it will not return to me void. It will achieve the purpose I desire for that word”. I at one point started using affirmations to try to overcome my esteem issues. They helped somewhat. But being able to remind myself that Jesus said to put all my burdens on him emboldened me to think and speak life over myself and others, because I believed, and now know his word is faithful and proven.
The constant battles between our negative thoughts and our desire to get stuff done can be harsh. You’d think it’s only people down on their luck or we ourselves. But the statistics tell me that no class of human is kept from suicides, depressions, and anxieties. The Rich and the poor and the famous all go through some troubles in life. Even when we don’t have problems our hearts try to convince us that we have problems.
Before I forget, let me set the record straight; the presence of God in our lives does not mean we are going to live problem-free. That’s on my wish-list, too. When we believe in Jesus, we instead face our own heart, in Christ. With His word alive in our hearts and we, living in His word, we tend to look at things a bit different, than when we didn’t know the Lord. There is a peace in our hearts knowing the Lord is with us because he said “I give you my peace. I am leaving it with you”, in John 14:27.
The great thing about believing God is this. We only need to believe and live because He speaks the truth and is faithful. No requirement but to believe God by believing in Jesus Christ.
The truth is that our hearts can become a beast all its own. It doesn’t have to control us or be uncontrollable though. The heart is in our chest. It is a part of us and we are able to subdue some of the thoughts as they come at us. Believing the word of God and being able to meditate on His truth about what He says about those of us who believe in Him, can reduce some of our stresses.
But the reason I advocate for the word of God is that when our chosen counselor isn’t available, or our current affirmation can’t fit the situation; the word of God is like a sword, slicing away any lies our hearts pour into our thoughts. It is important to be battle-ready against our hearts as often as we can be.
If you want to know what God says about us; He formed us and we are His. He loves us. We are His people. He will be a strong tower for those who trust in him. We are Holy. We are made righteous in Christ. So, when your heart attacks with lies and outright slander against you, it may be worth remembering that those who seek the Lord and His righteousness will get everything we need to do the things we do, according to what’s written in Matthew 6:33.
That is my two cents. You are welcome to add yours in a comment or send me a message. If you want to know more subscribe or message me. You can get some spiritual medicine on Spiritseid, and you are welcome to share what you find here. Peace.