
Education & Services

Spiritseid ministry provides personal ministry, and content creation services helpful for individuals or organizations. Bible studies are always free and any prayer request is free, only requiring your participation for any prayer requests, because Jesus Christ made it so we can all come to the altar in prayer together.


Learn more about our leadership, accountability, & Purpose mentoring.

EngagementsSpeaking & audience

Speaking and audience engagement details

Personal ministryfree Bible studies & Prayer

Refresh your soul with our free ministerial programs.

Spiritseid provides free ministerial services; guest services, free & low-cost engagement services, and personal leadership mentoring, accountability, & purpose development for individuals or small groups. When you enlist our service, we design candidate-specific itineraries by assessing each request during the initial conversation. Then we create content or educational sessions that fit your needs. We can also offer help to develop programs for clients struggling to develop programs for their audience. Spiritseid is people first; our purpose is to help you grow as your needs dictate. Let’s have that conversation to see how we can best serve you.



Leadership, accountability, and purpose can be useful in all walks of life. If you are struggling or need a bit of spirit in your day-to-day, our mentor program can be designed to empower and inspire. Spiritseid mentoring is provided for those wanting a better grasp of personal accountability, personal leadership, or purpose development or discovery. Our mentoring is meant to be medicine for the soul. If you have the desire to be more in touch with your inner leader, consider reaching out to Spiritsied. I have lived long enough to know stuff and I have been wizened enough to know I don’t know everything. I do know the Lord who guides us through every aspect of life, and I am willing to share my walk of faith to help you grow. Mentoring can be one-on-one or small group segments if you have friends you want to grow with. Talk to us today to find out how we can be of service. Request a free initial consultation with the form below.


Our engagement offerings are designed to empower and inspire through speaking and audience engagement events. Since no two audiences are the same; our engagements are created fresh for audiences, topics, themes, or demographics so you will have appropriate content. Talk to us about your deliverables by getting in touch at your convenience.

Speaking engagement

Words meant to inspire and empower the listeners are gifts given to us by God. We take your requests and break down your audience needs to create dynamic speaking engagements for your events. As a creative community, we cover a variety of topics intended to foster growth. We envision settings that foster growth and encourage participation and work to create content to fit the audience. We speak to inspire and empower. We speak life.

Audience engagement

Your audience has an identity and should be engaged in ways that help them learn and participate. If you’re struggling for ideas or talent, we can help. Our audience engagement can be consultative, hands-on, or purely creative. Invite Spiritseid whether you’re at the beginning of the project or somewhere close to finishing with a need for some spirit in your plans. Don’t wait until the last minute, contact us now.

Personal Ministry

If you need personal ministerial services whether it be prayer services for you or loved ones, 1-1 or small group adult Bible studies – group open-forum Bible studies or guest services, get a free consultation and find out why Spiritseid can be of great helper to you.

Free Bible Studies & Prayer

Do you have a desire to know Jesus Christ without the pressure of a large gathering? I offer adult Bible studies for free to anyone who wants to learn about who Jesus Christ is. Our Bible studies will help you get the truth about the great work God has done for us in Jesus Christ and the invitation we’ve all been given to receive grace and forgiveness. Our studies are designed to give you the whole story. If you are ready to know the Lord get in touch and set an appointment. There is no cost to study and can be done via phone, electronic medium, or in-person if you are local to western-central Massachusetts. Whether you choose to peruse our study resources or spend time in one-on-one or our group studies we got you. Get in touch and let us know what you need.

About Spiritseid

Spiritseid is a digital evangelistic platform. The information shared on Spiritiseid are stories about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The information we provide is free to read, listen, and share. I evangelize, not to make you a member, but to highlight Jesus Christ the only one who can save you from the day of judgment. Join the mission or subscribe to the newsletter and blog. I am looking to build into “we”, so if you have a passion for creativity and the gospel… Check out our talent chaser page when it goes live.