Have you ever thought that there’s no shortage of trouble in life. I think I can accurately say we all wind up with some sort of problem, even if we’re careful. Sometimes we land in front of a judge with evidence stacked high against us, because of trouble. A lot of us know the horrible feeling of our backs against the wall with cut n dry evidence against us. Guilty. I’ve had times when all I had in mind was guilty.
All of life is like that. When we don’t understand how life works we can get away with some things every so often, but we’re still guilty. All of us carry some form of guilt or shame from the life we’ve lived. Sin was the precursor to our guilt. The Bible tells us that all humanity ‘have sinned’. But what exactly does that have to do with you?
In the beginning God created the universe and earth, including the heavens, the stars, the sun, the moon; everything you see up there in the night and day. He created the first man to live on earth. That man, Adam disobeyed God and ate from a tree that gave him knowledge. Granted his wife fed him the fruit, but God told Adam not to eat from this one tree.
Adam being the first man alive sinned. Because of the judgment that was passed at that time, each human born from Adam is born in sin. Since there are some who do not believe in God, they have no reason to believe his word. But the word of God is valid. God has said he will judge all his creation because of sin and corruption.
Instead of judgment though, God has invited us to believe His word and be saved from the coming judgment. God sent His son, Jesus Christ into the world to bear the burden of sin for everyone that believes in Him. That is what I came to understand from hearing and then studying the Bible for myself. We are born with the evidence stacked against us, but God has made a way for us to be guiltless and free from sin.
What evidence, you may be asking? First, the testimony of God that He created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. Then because of Adam’s disobedience, sin crept into the world and corrupted us, so God pronounced judgment against sin & sinners. Our lives measured against the law of God is our guilt, and we, born as the creation in sin are guilty of sin. The good news is when we believe in Jesus we are purified from sin.
Our lives on earth is like being born in a courtroom with the gavel raised to come down on us. We are born to die the death (hell if you want to call it that) in the fire. What this means is that we are born to face the wrath of God at the judgment. If we believe God and believe in Jesus we are set free.
Those who believe in Jesus as told in John 3:16, however, will inherit eternal life (Life after being in the grave & facing the judgment). I have lived a life that deserved death for many reasons. I was a fornicator, I lied, I did steal, I have done other things that are against the law of God. Some things I didn’t even know until I read the Bible and God gave me understanding. Our default destination because of sin, is death.
But believing in Jesus cleared me of all my sin before God and made me right with God. That is the good news of the Gospel. I believe God and his testimony against the world. I believe God about Yeshuah (Jesus), that he sent Jesus into the world to suffer and die for all of our sins. When we choose to believe God, we are free from His wrath.
I have questioned the truth before and lived a life like most people. I didn’t know. Now that I have come to know the truth I believed, I share the good news. God has decided to save us by the sacrifice of Jesus. And He has prepared a kingdom for those who believe and receive salvation.
Life is full of trouble. But in Jesus I can live my life knowing that at the judgment as I stand before God, I am exonerated because Jesus was willing to shed his blood for mine. Better, all the suffering we see now, God is remaking a kingdom for those who believe in Him where there will be no wicked people, no wickedness, no evil, no sadness. Love will be the primary law.
To the people who choose not to believe it may sound fanciful. To the believer who seeks God with their whole heart, they will find the creator waiting to heal and show them many days of peace, even while facing our troubles. Better still, a work will be done in those who believe, from the inside out. Remaking believers in the image of God so that we can understand the will of God for mankind.
I was once a sinner. Jesus saved and accepted me when God called me. All of us are being called to the Lord, to believe in Him. There are a lot of narratives. Don’t be robbed by someone else’s opinion if your heart is moved to know Jesus. Opinions will not stand in front of the wrath of God for you. Jesus has already done that and there will not be any other offering for sin. A Bible, an honest church, Spiritseid and many other evangelists are waiting to tell you the good news without cost to you, because God gave freely to us.