As my Spirit moved upon the waters
Did I not conceive you, oh my little ones
When I formed you with tender care from the earth
There on that day did I not assign your worth
And you, when I formed you in the womb
Did I not call you also by name
Have you not known, or have you not heard
That I, yes I, am even He that spoke the word
Did I not give my word that through my servant David’s son
That I would redeem you, even to my loving Son
Have I broken one word since I’ve spoken
Is there any of my word which you have heard
That any can say that I have not brought to pass
Oh my precious little one, none of my words will be fruitless
Was the body of my Anointed, for you my beloved, not broken
Was He not pierced so I could redeem you from transgression
My love, your worth is marked in the stripes of the Lamb
Did I not declare it from ancient times
That even your sons and daughters would bring my message
So, come now to me all you who are weighed by your burdens
Come lay them in the arms waiting to take them
A door is now open wide
Open along the narrow road that leads to life
If you are told about another path, turn away
Come to me, I the life, the truth, and the way
Was I not named from the womb, Emmanuel
Was I not called to be your Holy and Anointed Messiah
Am I not called the Nazarene as it is written
Who lived humbly and took you upon me
By the word of my servants do I not call to you
By the word of prophecy do I not offer grace to you
Am I not calling still for you to come to me
Am I not saying, I am with thee, I am with thee
My assurances are certain
But you must be willing
For the LORD, MY MIGHTY LORD has made me able
With all authority in Heaven and on earth given to me
His blessings are cast upon the earth for the righteous to enjoy
Seek the eternal Kingdom and receive the life that is yours
Come you who are of a contrite spirit
Come you who mourn and are in pain
Come you who are meek
Come you who hunger and thirst after righteousness
Come you who are merciful
Come you who are pure in heart
Come you who are peacemakers
Come you who are hated for doing the right thing
This story is one told by the eyes and lips of all creation
It started with One and runs until the last generation
We tell stories depicted of this glory
An abyss of verbiage against spewed from writers ironically
We are told to open our eyes and see the world from expertise
And I traveled and looked and got lost in all of it
What caught me was this amazing thing
It was at my worst our Father opened my soul to Him
And there I found all these words calling loud and clear
In the skies, in nature, our construction, and the open air
The reality I found in the life is that there is no reason we do not hear
Except that we have chosen the sounds we want in our ear
And despite the ruse, the passionate paths of life
The only real life is eternal life
And there is an open invitation to it
The door is open but the way is narrow for us only to fit
Just your two long hands and those you love can go with
These and all those other righteous gifts
Close your eyes while you’re meditating and listen
The sound in your silent, still heart is He that is risen
In the palm of his hand is salvation hidden
And you, oh precious ones to Him are all invited.