There are many experts who try to sell us how to prosper or live in abundance. It’s not a new thing. It is just a thing. While I have heard countless stories and seen the end results of some, people still go for that stuff. There was a time I wondered about the practice and had my own share of attempts and pitfalls. Used to wonder why more sensible people were not so impressed with these prosperity panhandlers until life began to make sense.
This crept into religion and many Christian churches long before I was born, too. When I heard older folk in Christ speaking against the prosperity gospels, I used to wonder why they were speaking against someone else’s faith. After all, it is written “faith without works is dead”, according to James chapter 2. But then the understanding of faith is summed up in Matthew 6:33 and John 3:16, faith is the expectation of life.
John 10:10 Jesus testified that he came that we “may have life and have it abundantly”. The people who study the word of God deeper than the surface, understand that Christ is said to have taught in parables, we find this in Matthew 13:34. He spoke this way for the people who would truly follow him. Jesus says in John 14:15, that those who love Him would keep His commandments.
So it goes without saying that the one who seeks to understand what prosperity is, will seek to understand the meaning of Matthew 6:33. When I hear someone saying that they are told they have to sow a seed to receive something, I just think; God gives us everything for free.
The person, be it man or woman that tells someone they have to plant financial seeds in order to receive anything from God is a liar. I came to understand that while studying the gospel over the last ten years, and living out the promises of God. The Lord has shown even me that true prosperity is the knowledge of God and living in his word.
The whole chapter of John 15 is a testimony that God has done so many wonderful things so we can live abundantly in Christ. Matthew 6:31-33 tells us how to live that abundance. The gospel tells us about what God has done, so that we can live this life. We don’t have to do anything other than believe God. In believing God we are righteous because of what Jesus Christ did to redeem us from sin.
Prosperity gospels tell us that if we do, then God will. But the Bible testifies about what God has already done so that we can live this life abundant and free. The only thing we must do is believe in Jesus. Those who read further than the surface text of the Bible will understand why some who call on the Lord will be rejected.
Are we supposed to be poor people because we believe in Jesus?
That depends on you. It is written “It is the Lord who gives you the power to get wealth” in Deuteronomy 8:18. And we know that the Lord blesses the work of our hands. So then, as we work and save or build businesses, so we grow. Prosperity and abundance is in the righteousness of God. When we believe God, we do not lack anything because we follow Matthew 6:33. This command Jesus gave us opens our eyes to the truth; Jesus is our abundant life.
We are not promised monetary wealth, and scheming may get you wrath. When we want to be wealthy we can ask, and by faith be moved into wealth by the Lord. God is generous. But when someone tells us we have to plant a seed to get, it is a lie because God has given. We put out hands to the plow and reap the benefit of our diligence. In this way we put our faith to work and earn what is ours. No, not talking about salvation that is given to us without having to work for it.
The danger prosperity buyers face is, some lose their faith when they don’t receive, or when their year don’t pan out prosperously. 2nd Timothy 3:13 testifies that there are some who will “go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived”.
If you are among those who are looking for a come up by planting financial seeds but being walloped, consider that you may be called to live in righteousness, not prosperity; don’t blame the pastor for preaching what has gained him your money, instead “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”, as Jesus commanded us in Matthew 6:33.
Now, if a believer wants to make money, put in the work and save or build a business and trust the Lord with your life. But if you follow a man or woman who tells you to give them $500 or $10,000 and you’ll get a bazillion – or something else, consider it carefully. If we truly want to know what the promises of God are, it is best to apply ourselves to studying scripture and prayer with the same intensity we give to seeking abundance and wealth.
Now the one who seeks knowledge of God will be rewarded. God says through the prophet Jeremiah “You will find me when you seek me with your whole heart”. When we seek God by faith, God rewards us. True wealth is the knowledge of God. When we believe God and live the life we are called to live, seeking God and His kingdom we receive more than we can ask for or even think about.
In that knowledge we receive a life of abundance that God will show us. A life of faith and righteousness that allows us to shine brighter and brighter as we mature in the Spirit of God. In this we come to understand just how much God has done for us in Jesus Christ.