What story have you heard about sin & salvation, what it is, and how it came to be and how the story ends?
The earth is full of stories through the generations of its people. Some wind for thousands of years and some for a few. But none is more vital than the one set in a garden of peace and beauty called, Eden in the English language. None more prevailing than the one that begins with the words “You will not surely die.” This story found in the book of Genesis 3:4 tells of the reason God sent His son Jesus into the world to the world to die. This is the story of how sin entered the world, and the lengths God has gone through to correct it, in us, not only the generations before, but he chose Abraham to fulfill the words written in Genesis 3:15 “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head and you will strike his heel”.
Thus, began the years of evil, of envy, of lusts, of murders – we live the very words of God today without realizing it. And God so loved the world (us) that He sent His only begotten son into the world so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but gain eternal life, John 3:16 Reminds us. This Son is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. The very word of God made flesh – John 1:14. Jesus Christ made an end of sin through his life and His sacrifice on the cross. This life will end in judgment and with those who believe in Jesus Christ being saved from the wrath of God for sin. In the end, only those who believe in Jesus Christ and keep his commandments will be saved, and be immortal. Have you chosen to believe, God or Satan?