No one knows the pain you’re in because no one bothers asking. Life can sometimes feel like a cauldron of fire boiling inside, day and night, with no one available to pour a little water on the fire. In the middle of your pain, when people pass sometimes, you want to say hello, but the fear they will reject you keeps you silent. The oppression of life can make you feel like your soul is being crushed by the weight of life. All of which can lead you to feel like you’re the only one who is in your corner. But I want to tell you why you are never alone. The God of all creation has testified truthfully that he will be with us until the end, so we only need to call on his name. He wants us to give him our pain, so you can feel His presence and find peace.
The world around us can make us feel as if we’re alone on an island, even if we live in vibrant communities. Some of us keep our feelings of abandonment silent because we can’t see an outlet. We can live in cities with a million people and still feel the burden of loneliness or depression. We also have hope we rarely turn to. God has the salve to fill our lonely if you are willing to call on him; “Heavenly Father, I need you”, that is all you need to say to begin. God is listening for all who will call on him. At the lowest point of my life, I didn’t have to call because God called.
While we live mostly for ourselves. God showers His love on everything in His creation. Most of the time we don’t want to do things to hurt each other. We’re just busy looking for what is best for our own lives. Maybe it’s just the nature of wanting things; someone else has to lose for us to get what we want because we all compete for what we want. Some win some suffocate. The competition rarely ends well because no one wants to lose. Everyone is apprehensive of everyone else because insecurities say that if they don’t act like us, we don’t want ‘em near us. So, loneliness and guilt or fear become companions to some of us.
To be true, I am as different from most people I meet as night is from day. It scares me when I meet people who understand me and my unique life. But they have to go back to their lives and leave me alone with my thoughts. That’s how I used to think. Those were feelings that had me trapped and feeling isolated even with family and friends around me. I was a recluse who spoke very little. I’d be happy tinkering to see how things work, but there were times I wanted to be in the crowd. But then I began to pray as the Lord led me out of those dark days, and I continue to pray today as the Lord leads me in light so those feelings cannot influence my days.
My prayer was for God to remove what felt like chains binding my hands and feet, me. Over time things started to change. My thoughts changed. It took several years of adjusting to the new way of thinking before depression and anxiety were gone. The voice that drove me on to freedom from the prison of my heart kept me focused enough to see better days. And I did come to know that voice. The voice of the Holy Spirit, true to the word of God, guided me. I fell apart, I kicked, I screamed, I was convicted and ran, and then I completely shattered. But God does not leave us how He finds us, he does not leave us broken.
But that’s when the healing started, and I began to speak more and call on people more. I began to talk to God more, understand more, and mature more in the Spirit. And now I understand that even in the worst times, we are never alone. God is right there waiting for us to call on his name, the name of Jesus Christ. What He helped me discover was that the family I thought I could not turn to, or trust, were people living their own struggles and thought I was fine. What we learn when we turn to God is that we are all trying to live with the same doubts.
Most people we think we can’t approach when depression has us, are living with the same insecure feelings. Some just handle it better than others. Just remember God does not leave us alone. God has never abandoned His throne or us. But God is waiting for us to acknowledge Him so He can point us to Jesus Christ and take our pain and burdens from us. What we can understand when we do not turn to God is like, Isaiah chapter 42 verse 19, “Who is blind but my servant, deaf like the messenger I send?” and in verse 20 “You have seen many things but have paid no attention; your ears are open, but you hear nothing”. God does force us to turn to Him, though He provides us every opportunity to learn about Him. When we respond by turning to Jesus, He invites us to sit with Him.
When fear speaks over us, the testimony of Jesus is, that he did not come to condemn the world, but to save it [John 3:17] – and we know or should know that the Lord did everything to let us know we can turn to Him. He made a way in the desert, a road in the wasteland, so we can know the Love He has for us.
The loneliness and the worthless feelings can end. Invite Jesus into your life today. It is simple. Pray the words, “Heavenly Father, I need you”. Study the word of God, continue praying, and see how your life changes. I’m not speaking about money or vanity, but the work of God in your heart will change the way you think and behave. God will begin a work in you that will seem like an artist chiseling out a brand-new sculpture from inside you. Over time lonely will change to thanksgiving. Lonely and your yesterdays will affect your decisions less and less the more time you spend with Jesus.
But lonely is NOT who we were made to be. We were made, each one of us, and as an assembly of people, to be God’s glory. We were meant to live lives of joy and peace, giving thanks for the abundance God provides for us and he will, even here in this time of trial and temptation and our misery. All you have to do is ask and submit to God.
I tell you; you are not alone. The God who created the universe is with you. But you will see lonely when misery has your heart, but the Lord wants to set you free. Ask God to remove the chains and he will. He will bring you into feelings that feel like a spacious land compared to the dark feelings robbing your joy that God wants to give you. But God will not force you to accept Him or His offer of salvation, but I hope if you’ve read this far your heart is moved to believe in Jesus and pray.