In today’s world every guru/expert has a red-hot secret they want to share with us. You will need to join a secret club or pay a minimal fee (prob’ly $19.99). I still don’t understand the missing penny. So far I’ve seen secrets to health, wealth, power, money, getting girls, and just about every other thing mankind can find to sell.
We all have a vice, so I can’t say anything… too loud. So far I have not seen anyone selling secrets to living your individual life. There’s a whole bunch of stuff about living that will cost you a pretty penny.
Your individual life; that is free. The bells and whistles are promises made by an omnipotent God who is delivering on the promises he has made to those who believe him. You won’t get excess promises of great wealth if you take this offer.
But there is the promise of peace and eternal life. You won’t need to buy any more wrinkle cream, at least for the next phase of life. You see, God so loved the world that He gave us Jesus Christ his son. If we believe in Jesus we have the hope of living forever with God. We will grow old in this life and if we die, we will be resurrected to life when the Lord returns.
While there are no fancy cars, no luxurious vacation attached, no maids, and no promise of beaches – those who believe God will live a life free from sin and violence and death, no need for tears for losing people. The only catch is we must believe in Jesus Christ to receive this offer.
All the expert advice can’t get you a glimpse of this offer. Many brainiacs have been trying to figure this offer out or come up with good mimics. But this offer is for people called by God who are willing to grasp it. No special fees, no special tools, no special expertise needed; you only believe God, by believing in Jesus. No prep, no need to clean up before you accept. Just accept and open a Bible and follow along, join an assembly of believers if you want to be around others who believe (highly recommended but advised to avoid snake oil sellers).
Now, you can choose to surround yourself with experts and take their advice or join secret clubs that offer you a nominal fee. But the original offer with true believers who live the life 7 days a week and not just Sundays is the best option. If you found this offer attractive, would you be interested?
Dear Christians and believers, don’t go buying secrets to heaven when God paid the full price for you in Jesus. Open the Bible. Anyone who sells you prayer sessions or prophecy secrets, or sells Bible secrets should be avoided until they repent and speak the truth. God has called us and we are not required to pay any money for what God has done – Isaiah 55:1, God makes the offer He sealed in Jesus for us. Bibles; open them; any prayer or prophetic session you MUST pay for avoid for your own soul’s sake and go to God directly in prayer.
If you have found a church body selling secrets or prayers, run!