The Humbling

I rose I gained a high and lofty name I followed my own habits And slowly became me I walked the trails that not had before Wasting no time I…

A Heart of Gratitude

When was the last time you were just thankful for what you have? Maybe they’re small things, things you only know about. Things that just take your breath away whenever…

Growth Perspective

When the positive outcome of your goal is your focus, obstacles are only tests for your progress – reasons for adjustments or celebration. Take time to give thanks and to…


I can remember watching Transformers the cartoon for the first time. Eighty-nine-ish, if I recall correctly. The first thing that caught my attention was the brutal leadership style of the…

A Higher Law

Question my mind The answer was unimaginable Subscribe to a higher law it told me And the writ law no longer applies to you What do you mean? I mean,…