“However, when the son of man comes, will he find faith on the Earth?” Luke chapter 18 of the Bible is full of reasons to never give up. Jesus asked his disciples a question while telling stories about not giving up on the things we want; this story was about a woman who kept going to a corrupt judge to demand justice. The judge granted the woman justice after a time because of her persistence. He didn’t want the woman to keep coming to him. The story is about having faith and never giving up when we pray and pursue the right things.
It is important not to give up easily
Jesus was known for telling folk their faith would make things happen. What I have learned these five years is that when we are persistent in our prayers and actions, our faith pays off because the Lord acts on the word He has spoken. Unlike the unjust judge, the God whom we serve is both faithful and generous. When we have a desire, especially a God-given desire (our calling) we should persevere because God rewards those who believe. When we read the Bible there are countless stories of God doing wonders for people who believe him – one of the greatest gifts is salvation in Jesus Christ for everyone who accepts and believes the Word of God.
The Bible reveals that God hates sin and every abomination. We are rebellious, we do evil to one another, we do abominable things; God didn’t give up on us after He created us and we fell from grace by going against His commands. Instead, God was so determined to save mankind that He sent His Son, Jesus to die the death we deserve for sin so that His wrath would be satisfied, and we would be saved by believing in Jesus. He even calls us His children when we believe his word; specifically, that he is the one who sent Jesus.
Having the evidence of the gospel of God’s willingness to save us from His wrath by sending Jesus Christ, His Son to die in our place, why should we give up on any good thing? In Romans 8 verse 32, the Apostle tells us that God will give us all things. Think about who you are and that God hates the lying, wicked things, our outright evil but loved us so much that He sent His son to die in your place. Instead of punishment, he sent salvation, Jesus to die and be the first to rise from the grave so that, by believing we would do the same thing; Jesus Christ being the first fruits of the risen and eternal. In Jesus Christ, we are given everything and are remade in the image of God (2 Corinthians 4:4 & Genesis 1:26).
It is Worth Knowing The Truth
When we believe and call on the name of Jesus, even if we’re beaten down, he is with us in the trouble we’re in (Psalms 91:15). The word of God is faithful, and He is always near us. Every day we are inundated with information about experts who can help us; coaching, counseling, and gurus who say they can help us with all sorts of things; depression, life, growth, finances; you name it and you can find yourself an expert… for a fee. In Jesus, we receive everything free because the Lord covered the cost of sin and salvation. The Word of God guarantees His promises if we have faith as told in Isaiah 55:1-3. Which sort of makes giving up like throwing away a promissory note that’s already paying dividends. God whose word will never return to Him unfulfilled, sent fulfilled His promise in Jesus. Giving up without exploring the truth really robs us of The Truth. Most of us love to read, and the Bible is a book.
When we believe in Jesus, we become children of God. Filled with promise. We are brought back to God through Christ, remade in His image. The life we gain by believing in Jesus is worth more than all the money in the world because life in Jesus Christ is eternal; we are justified by our faith in Jesus, and we have the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of the promise of salvation. All the praise from people or all the money in the world is not worth what God has prepared for those who believe in Jesus. Therefore, we should never give up on anything, except sin, if we are in Christ. That will make sense as we mature in Christ. So I hope if you found this and read this far, you will open a Bible or join an assembly of people (Church).

[…] will be done for you according to your faith”. Jesus was known to heal anyone who asked him for healing, while he conducted His ministry on […]