What Does it Mean to Believe

Believe. That is the central message presented when we hear the message of the gospel. Have you ever wondered what it means to believe God? We see and hear believers all the time giving thanks and sharing stories of what God has done for them. But what does it mean to believe God and what are we believing for?

The testimonies of God is this; He created the heavens and the earth in 6 days. He created mankind in His own image. Mankind (in Adam) disobeyed God’s command not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and so brought death into the world, as God warned would happen should Adam eat from this tree. God sent Jesus to redeem humanity from sin and death, by dying the death we would have died without his sacrifice. And, God has testified that he will bring judgment on the world because of sin.

We believe in Jesus so that the sin that had power over us we are able to reject and resist. When we believe God we are also given power to keep the commandments of God; Jesus said “If you love me, keep my commandments”.

What does it mean to believe God?

Believing God sets us free from death; what this means is, when our lives are over and we die and put in the grave. We have hope that Jesus will come to earth soon and bring us back to life. This time we will live forever without sin and without the devil or wickedness.

In the here and now believing God empowers us to live a life free from the stain of sin, if we are willing to give up sin and our past. We are also at peace with God as written in Romans 5:1. As such we are given a new nature we can grasp, which allows us to resist actions that held us captive before we believe.

By believing we are also turned away from hell at the judgment toward God. We expect to live as God has said, forever.

What are the requirements?

Believe God. That is to believe in Jesus Christ. It is also strongly suggested that you study the holy scriptures and grasp those things that God says belong to believers. We are able to grasp the life, the truth, the way of God to overcome our former selves and deny the things that once held us prisoner. To believe God sets us free. And as free people we are able to do free people things while we await the Lord’s return.

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