The simplicity of the gospel speaks about love and forgiveness for all sins. The Bible does not condemn those who turn to God. The Bible is an invitation to forgiveness and immortality. The simple truth found on the pages of the Bible sets you free from the sins you carry, which some don’t know about. The gospel may sound complicated when you first hear it. But God provided the truth in simple terms so that even children can understand that He sent Jesus to die anyone who believes could live. We gladly evangelize this good news on Spiritseid for all who view our content.
The simplicity of the gospel says; that we were created and through Adam’s falling away, we all sin. Our ancestors failed to follow instructions that could have saved us. Jesus was sent by God to carry humanity’s burden and sin; Jesus lived a pure and sinless life; Jesus was crucified for the sin of the whole world (you included); Jesus came back to life after 3 days, leaving sin and death in the grave and now intercedes in heaven for all who believe. According to John 3:16 – anyone who believes in Jesus has eternal life. It is a generous & costly gift God gave us for free.
Simply good news
Jesus was asked, “What must we do, to do the works God requires”? Jesus answered the people and said to them in John 6:29, “The work requires is this; believe in the One he sent.” The many Christian doctrines we hear about salvation should be this one word. Believe in Jesus Christ. Nothing else needs to be done but to believe. Now there is a word written in the book of Isaiah 55:1, “Come, anyone who is thirsty – come to the waters; even if you don’t have money, come, buy and eat! Buy wine and milk without money and without cost”. Jesus paid the cost of all our salvation. We only need to believe.
There are no good works that are required to earn salvation, God gives us this gift free because of what Jesus Christ did as we are reminded; “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith. Not through yourselves, it is a gift from God.” We do not have to do good work, to be saved. We do good works because we become the children of God when we are saved. Being saved only requires you to believe in Jesus.
What can we do if we’re saved?
Being saved, you are justified by your faith (belief) in Jesus. That means all your sins are forgiven when you believe, and your past isn’t remembered by God anymore (Psalms 103:12). That means you don’t have to do anything other than believe.
When we believe, the Lord begins the work on our hearts, because we believe in Jesus. Those who are willing and study the word of God come to understand, Hebrews 4:12; “The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; judging thoughts and attitudes of the heart”. This is a good way to say, that the work of believing will produce good fruit for the willing.
We still must live our lives and make choices like everyone else. The difference is that we are covered by the righteousness of Jesus Christ and will not be condemned at the judgment. We are then able to obey the commands of Jesus, by Faith.
Does that mean I can live & do however I want?
Yes. But the scripture makes clear in 1 Corinthians 10:23 – “I am allowed to do anything” Paul writes, “but not everything is beneficial.” While we have the right to do anything we want, Revelation 22:12 makes clear that our conduct will be rewarded accordingly. Jesus simplified this word by saying “The one who does the will of my Father will be saved” (Matthew 7:21). So, while we can do anything we want, it is better to learn and to the will of God. This is found in the pages of the Bible and in the hearts of those willing to obey the commandments of God, as Jesus says in John 14:15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”.
Each of us must make our own decision to follow the way of the Lord or walk our own way. The scriptures make clear as we study, we are saved for good works, Philippians 2:13. Those who trust in the Lord also know that God works all things together for our good – Romans 8:28
What does it mean to be saved?
The simplicity of the gospel is explained as this; We are saved from the enslaving influence of sin. Although we are still tempted until Jesus returns, we have the power to resist through the Holy Spirit of God. We do not have to follow the influence of sin, we are now free to believe in God and keep His commandments.
We are also free to walk the good path, as Philippians 2:13 reminds us; “It is God who works in you and to act, in order to fulfill his good purpose”.
The Simplicity of the gospel is that Jesus died and was raised to life so all our sins can be wiped clean. But we must believe in Jesus. John 3:16-18 tells us that the one who believes in Jesus will have everlasting life (immortality), and the one who does not believe will be condemned AT the judgment that is to come, not before. The truth is in the Bible. You should examine it for yourself because it is worth knowing. You’re choosing to believe or not anyway.
Believing in Jesus Christ (Yeshuah Messiah) is the only way to be saved. Not through a specific denomination. Not any specific pastor. No gimmicks. Not any amount of money you pay to anyone. Not any achievements. Not by arguing about what the Bible says. Not any amount of good works apart from believing in Christ. We do good works because we are saved by the free grace God extends to us. Jesus is the only one who saves, by believing in him as it is written in John 3:16.
The gospel is very simple then. Believe in Jesus and be saved. Every human being alive is called to believe and be saved. But we must all make our own decision to believe, or not to believe. Thank you for coming to Spiritseid, if you have questions – please comment or contact me.