As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near’.
Matthew 10:7 is a reminder of the full message of the gospel Jesus gave the founders of the church to preach. Peter and the apostles gave the whole gospel in epistles for the remnant churches of today to bring to the world. The gospel is not about packing church, because the kingdom of God is inside those who believe – Luke 17:21. God’s kingdom and church is not made with human hands, as it is written in the book of Daniel. The church we are to attend to is one another, as Jesus gave command in John 13:34-35. Still, it is good to gather as Paul reminds us in Hebrews 10:25.
The days Jesus preached; We can see that He attempted to remind the religious leaders about God’s intent for the Israelite kingdom. It was to convert all the kingdom of the earth to God, just as His intent remains from the beginning. They were told through prophecy that a Messiah was to come into the world to save Israel. The interpretation the religious leaders got from the prophecy; a powerful hero like in the days of the judges was going to come and defeat the enemies of Israel. But the Lord came gentle, riding on a donkey, preaching the message as John the Baptist had before him, as the prophets before had preached in Israel; ‘repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near you’.
What is this kingdom?
Isaiah 9:6 tells us that the government would be upon the shoulders of the Messiah. In Daniel 2:45 when Daniel spoke to the angel who came from the Lord, the angel told Daniel about ‘the rock cut out of a mountain with human hands. This rock would break the iron, the bronze, the clay, and the silver and gold to pieces.’ Each of these elements represented a different kingdom, which the Messiah would conquer. The rock represented the people of the kingdom of heaven. But the conquest looked a bit different than was expected. Instead of the blood of His enemies – God shed the blood of Jesus Christ, in order to fulfill the need for blood to redeem the people who will believe in Jesus, the word of God made flesh.
To believe in Jesus is a great thing. We receive salvation sent to us from the Lord, who then prepares us to inherit this kingdom of heaven. When the gospel is preached it is a message to repent and turn to God because His kingdom has come near the hearers. The kingdom of heaven is the return of Earth to its rightful owner, God. Psalms 100:3 tells us to “Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture”.
When Jesus came it was to redeem a people prepared for him through John’s message. This people, God would make fit for His kingdom, in Jesus, through the work of the Holy Spirit. Colossians 1:12 tells us of the good news. ‘God rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. And all we must do, is believe in Jesus – John 3:16.
Our preparation is not for church membership only but gathering to join with others who are being prepared for the kingdom of heaven. In gathering we encourage one another to live out the commandments of God. The truth is, in opening our Bibles and taking in the lessons allows us to see the plan of God for our salvation, as Jesus teaches us the meaning of His words. The fear of God leading us unto righteous living, prepared for the day of His return. When we come to God, we don’t come perfect. But by living the commands of Jesus Christ we receive a heart fit for the kingdom of heaven. This means we study the Bible, not to only know what’s written, but by faith live the commands, if we’re willing.
In the Bible we are reminded that we are bought with the precious blood spilled on calvary, 1 Peter 1:19. And through the indwelling Spirit are enabled to keep the commandments of God we could not while we were sinners. In Jesus, we have a new life filled with the Spirit of God and faith to live our new lives in righteousness. Better, Jesus fulfilled all the commands so we can keep them by trusting He is true.
We are not required to do anything more than believe in Jesus. All the work was done and fulfilled by Jesus during his life, death and resurrection. Jesus set us free from the grip of sin and darkness (ignorance) when He rose from the grave. When we sit and study the Bible as we are meant to, we learn that it is better to keep the commandments of Jesus Christ, of all the things we are free to do. We were set free from sin in order that we could keep the commandments of God.
Why should I keep the commandments?
Simple. In John 14:15 Jesus says, “If you love me, obey my commandments”. Rightly, there is a peaching that says we do not have to live like we’re under law. God has prepared a kingdom for those He set free, in Jesus. But Jesus reminds us to consider carefully how we listen, in Mark 8:18. The gospel tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:9 that those who are idolators, fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, or sodomites, thieves, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit the kingdom of God. Those who believe and are justified by faith understand when Jesus said “The one who would follow me must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me – Mathew 16:24. It meant to live as Adam and Eve lived before the falling away. Live in repentance and obedience to God.
We come to God as we are, not after we make ourselves ready. We come to God by believing in Jesus. The Spirit of God moves in us to change us from the inside out, when we believe. The word of God changes you from your heart, so you can live a great life. But it is you who must choose to use the authority given you, to resist temptation to sin and choose the good God puts inside you. Sometimes, that good will look evil to those who are blinded by the wickedness of sin.
Those who come alive in Christ and allow the Spirit to do his work will change. Things we used to do; we gain the power to resist because we don’t want to do them. We are no longer ignorant to what sin is, thanks to the knowledge of God, and can resist temptations. We do fall to temptation sometimes, but we can resist and live the life we choose to live. Jesus saves us if we should fall and advocates for us – 1 John 2:1. It is best to make it a point to avoid every act of sin we can as we mature. In this way we shine brighter and brighter as it says in Proverbs 4:18.
In Jesus we are made ready to inherit the kingdom of heaven. This is a lifetime process not an overnight thing. This kingdom of heaven exists in the hearts of the people of God. In short, we are the kingdom of heaven. Jesus told us that if we believe in his name, we will live, even if we die. This life we live is first toward the kingdom of heaven as citizens with Christ. Jesus lived, and died, and rose from the grave so we could live with him in his kingdom. We will spend eternity in the kingdom of heaven when the Earth is renewed. There will not be sin or wicked people there.
But you! The kingdom of heaven has come near you today. Repent and turn to God.