A recent blog post was posted on Spiritseid about how unfair life can be. It can be tough. But, life does not need to be fair to live a good life. We only need to have a mind ready to face the challenges, we’re going to face in life, in our day-in and day-outs. Yeah, it is easier said than done because life has a way of throwing stuff our way. But when we have the right mental tools we can use those tools wisely to overcome the challenges we face.
A positive mind is a powerful thing. People, used to seeing trouble in their circumstances suffer from all sorts of anxieties. But people who are attuned to looking for solutions tend to do better when life throws us shade. That doesn’t mean we don’t see the reality of life. Sometimes life sucks. A positive mind will acknowledge this fact.
But life has an interesting secret; it can be contained and our outcomes can become more manageable. We cannot control everything that happens to us, but we can control how we look at the things that happen and how we prepare to face life’s complications.
When we face persistent problems, we focus intensely on the problem. The attention we give our problems can cause us to stress and suffer more than we need to. It’s a little-known secret we pay billions of dollars to have someone with a degree and education in psychology tell us every year.
For those who know the truth, and study the truth, we know that the mind can be renewed as long as our belief matches up with the truth. While I won’t take anything away from the smart people who spend years studying how people behave and think; that is only a small part of changing our minds to foment a positive mind built on the truth.
The truth has a way of explaining itself in ways that anyone can understand, given the time needed to digest the information we receive from thinking about the truth. When we try to game the truth, we end up with bits and pieces of information that diverge. But if we accept the truth as it is and spend time with the truth, it shapes how we see things and changes how we think. We can call BS a lot easier without someone changing our minds with fanciful terms and marketing gimmicks.
The truth, firstly, removes everything that doesn’t belong to it from our minds. From the day we’re born until we find the truth and believe it, we are being served heaps upon heaps of fear and fantasies on repeat – while there is nothing wrong with a good dream every now and again, having a good view of the truth opens possibilities that we cannot get anywhere else.
When we have the truth and live by the truth, our minds change and become renewed to view life from the lens of the truth. When we allow our minds to be renewed by the truth, we can see a lot of possibilities where we are used to seeing problems. The ardent part of us prone to believing lies gets put down and begins to feed us the truth. That is because the truth brings us an understanding of life, we cannot get anywhere else. We can only get it from the truth.
Now, how can we use this bit of information to live a positive life? We will cover that in the next blog post.