Life doesn’t play fair. It doesn’t have to. On the other hand, we may choose what we see in all life brings our way. We can also choose how we interact with what life throws at us. We can’t always control what happens in our lives, but we can learn to control our interactions with life, at the speed of life.
Problems are not static. They come and go, like people. While we can keep thinking about how tough life has been for us, we have the option of looking for solutions and the opportunity to grow through our challenging lives.
Living like this doesn’t always give us the results we want. But when we see growth opportunities, we can ultimately live as people who become problem solvers. As long as we do not quit when life gets tough or, when it doesn’t go our way we may have results that help us to live differently.
When we are solutions-oriented rather than problem-specific, life changes because our way of thinking can change. We can better grasp the idea that not every problem came to shut us down. Some problems are great teachers if we are willing to take the time to learn and adjust our way of living for a better tomorrow.
A lot of negativities may be removed from us that way and, our minds and eyes may open to new pathways of thinking. We can change from that anxious person to someone who thinks and then goes into action in good ways; the one who comes up with solutions and, though you may not solve every problem, realizes that these are opportunities to interact with people and even make a friend or two.
There is confidence in this type of life. While I didn’t discover it on my own but was shown how to break free and guided through the maze of overcoming; I feel like sharing bits and pieces of what I have learned studying the Bible and counting on the Lord to carry me through the many trials that turned my anxiety into purpose.
Join me for the next post where I will share one or two pointers and examples.