The Love of God

Ephesians 3:19 “to know the love of Christ which passes all knowledge.”

The reality of God’s love hit me the other day. I was at my wits end trying to decide what to do with my life, at this juncture. Writing this article and putting Spiritseid back together feels like the right decision. I had wilted before, but the desire to testify about the Lord and what He has done for me didn’t fade. Some days it felt like a testimony would overflow my body, even though fear was hounding me night and day, to give up. But God’s love looked beyond who I was and now sees Jesus instead of me, which is a huge relief.

The Love of God saves us from sin and Wrath

When that finally made sense, a burst of bold inspiration pushed me past the fear of not being good enough to touch the word of God, much less thinking about evangelism. Then came the urge to put this Spirit seeding Journal back up so that even if one person is inspired to seek the Lord – I know the talents he’s given me haven’t been wasted.

The depth of God’s love for us is beyond our understanding. God desires that we come to know Him and turn to him. That we turn away from His wrath & destruction to life in Jesus Christ. Grace is extended freely to us in Jesus because God so loved the world He sent His Son to die for us. The Lord wants all of us to be free to choose the life He has for us to live, or wrath by refusing to believe His Word. The invitation is to come to Him as we are; it does not matter who you are or what you have done; He says come. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish (John 3:16). God chose to use what Jesus Christ did on the cross to wipe away the sin we are born in, and forgive us if we accept His graceful offer and believe in Jesus Christ.

Do We have to “be good” to believe in Jesus?

Keep this in mind; the Lord doesn’t call us because we’re good. He does not require us to prove we’re good before we can be saved. He calls us because Jesus Christ was willing to suffer and die for our sins. Jesus is the remedy for sin and just about everything that ails us. Jesus offers us the truth, which can set us free from things that make us feel powerless to live a life worth living. His fatherly love is a love every human should experience. But you are the one who must accept the free grace of God because we know that it cannot be forced or coerced. It must be your choice to accept.

What Can You do to be saved?

My prayer for you, if you’ve read this far is that the Lord will open your ears and heart to his calling. I pray that the love of God will rest upon you and give you the peace to accept the love you find if you choose to answer his call to believe in Jesus.

How do you know if God is calling you? God gave His grace for all of us but it is up to each individual to accept his grace and believe. And as the Bible says in Hebrews 3 verses 7 & 8 “Today if you should hear His voice, do not harden your hearts”. In short, when you hear the word of God preached or read about the Lord if you’re moved to know more about him, you should. Believe in Jesus and read your Bible.

As for how God’s love hit me: I got a boost of faith to finally do what I love to do, and I hope you will enjoy, and even better, respond to the word of God, Jesus Christ’s calling.

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