Repentance is Not Pandering to A Lifestyle

Submit yourselves to God, Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. The book of James is an interesting read. A better study. James 4:7 reminds us of the life the saved can live. That is; we struggle with sin, but we do not have to live in sin. Today there are denominations and “church” people willing to tell those who are struggling with life, that it is ok to live in sin. If you are in one of those denominations, come out of her because her door leads to death at the judgment. Jesus himself preached, “repent for the kingdom of heaven is near”, and warned the Apostles “to brush off their feet if they don’t listen”.

Grace has never been a gift that allows us to sin. Grace gives us the opportunity to turn back to God, like before the fall. The words of Matthew 7:33 “depart from me, I never knew you” should have been warning to the wolves who believers were told would come in. The bustle for quantity and money seemed like it blinded some.

God’s mercy toward us is that the love of our lifestyles should not outweigh the love of the way of God. That is why Paul warns in Romans 12:2 “do not be conformed to the patterns of this world”. We ought to be willing to submit to the work God is doing inside of us; this is what it means to be transformed. Being transformed isn’t an outward showing, where we willingly submit to our sinful thoughts and do them in private, but present a perfect face in public.

To the churches; REPENT! – in our rush to meet the world where they are, we are to count on the Lord to keep our clothes spotless. Even if we jump in the puddle to help a struggling brother or sister, remember who we are and why we are jumping in. We are not to change our clothes for what we were saved from and, change the way of the Lord to fit a reprobate lifestyle. Please remember that the unconverted will be told “I never knew you”, even if they enter ministry.

To the church members – whatever your denomination; come to know the word of God and obey the word of God. Leave if you cannot. If anyone tells you that a sin is acceptable to God, ask them if they believe God; judgment will be upon the unbelieving. Jesus preached repent for the kingdom of heaven is near you”. Believers come to the understanding of the fear of God in every context.

To those struggling with issues & sin

None of us are perfect. We all struggle with something in this life. Struggling means we resist and if we fall to temptation we turn to Jesus with an honest heart. While I would love to point out one sin, none of them do us any good. But if the word of God calls it sin, no man in their right mind would try to say it is ok. By His grace toward us, God has nullified sin and covered those who believe in Jesus and call on him. The sin you struggle with does not disqualify you. But the sin you willingly celebrate opens the door to problems you want none of.

This message is for any organization that leads the people of God in the name of Jesus Christ. The elders and the leaders are to understand this message since it is written in simplicity and can be verified by those who lead the churches. Grace is not a license to sin or to tell new believers that their sin is normal. If you have accepted your fate, that is great. Please, however, let your members know the truth.

As you mature; mature in the Spirit of God and give up the lusts of the flesh. And don’t be afraid of those who condemn you because they don’t understand your struggles. But Submit yourself to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you.

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