Good news is hard to come by. Mostly, the news is full of what’s wrong in the world or full of outright gossip and slander. But we do have good news to share with everyone who comes by, Spiritseid. We talk about freedom and love and righteousness and hope the word of God gives us for our everyday lives. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who came to save mankind from the coming wrath. Have you heard the story yet?
When Jesus started preaching to the people of His generation, the book of Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 says he preached, “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is near”. The truth of the full gospel of Jesus Christ is that God not only saved us from sin, should we believe in Jesus Christ, but has prepared a kingdom free from sin, death, and wicked people. In this kingdom is a city prepared for those who are redeemed in Jesus Christ
Revelation 21 tells us about that city, beginning with verse 2, “and I saw the Holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband”. In this city, God Himself will be the light among the people who are left after the resurrection from the dead. It is a good thing to know the Lord and accept His salvation.
Have you heard the gospel of Jesus Christ? Do you know who Jesus is? Do you know what God has done for all of us who believe? If you have questions, there is still time to get the answers or read about it in the Bible. You are welcome to ask us any questions you may have. Spiritseid is a friendly space to learn about the Kingdom and the Salvation of our God, in Jesus Christ.