We can’t say enough about wisdom & truth. Leaders are thought to have more wisdom than those they lead. Leaders, by all societal standards, are supposed to have it all together. Leaders do not get to take a break to feel down or be wrong, because they have to dispense the truth to the people they lead. Truth, however, is as difficult as it is simple at all levels, especially with so many personalities trying to figure out how to lead.

Some truths, however, stick out like a sore thumb no matter how many interpretations there are circulating, no matter what the leader says. No matter how many ways we attempt to hide it. The truth just shines like a bright beacon, even under cover of darkness. Welcome to Spiritseid where we have a topic that will turn some away. Not you though. No finger-pointing, only the truth. Pull out your Bibles and let’s go!

The story of the Lord goes a little something like this; He died on Friday, slept on Saturday, and rose on Sunday, John 19:42 & 20:1; bringing a new life and a new creation into being, 2 Corinthians 5:17. During creation (Genesis 1) the Lord made everything that was made in six days and rested from all His work on the seventh day, Genesis 2:3; springing life into existence, Genesis 1:31. So the day Jesus was resurrected was indeed a great day and should be seen as such.

Generations after the resurrection of Jesus, the new day of worship happens to be Sunday for most. Understanding of grace has been interpreted, misinterpreted, and opened to all to conclude who is right. We are free to do as we please. But not everything benefits us, according to Paul, 1 Corinthians 6:12. Out of an abundance of caution, or fear, church leaders today deny that the Sabbath is still a valid day for all who ‘desire’ to enter.

While we are not to make The Sabbath a prison, the day of Rest is still as valid as any other of the Ten Commandments (Matthew 22:37-39). In John 14:15 Jesus says, “If you love me, keep my commandments”. This was one I struggled with for a while until he helped me to understand it. I was asking, which commands since we are set free from law. Romans 2:14 says “When gentiles who do not have God’s written law, show that they know it when they do it by instinct.”

Generations later, I discovered that we can enter sabbath rest. Not as prisoners of law, but as freed people. We have a choice. If you’re reading this and have it in mind, it is best to pray and ask the Lord so that He will guide you into His Sabbath rest. The Sabbath is not to be kept, because we have to. Like everything else, we who want to keep the Sabbath on the 7th (seventh) day, can enter it. The Sabbath was not removed by God or any act of Jesus.

Jesus himself kept the Sabbath while He was alive. Scripture says, he entered the temple and taught on the Sabbath. Jesus also said he is ‘Lord of the Sabbath because the day was made for us’ Matthew 12:8. Jesus also kept the Sabbath during His crucifixion just as He did during creation. The Bible tells us Jesus was ‘buried on preparation day, which is Friday. Then very early on the first day, which is Sunday, the women went to the tomb and did not find Jesus – I’m reading from John 19:42 & 20:1. In John 2:19 Jesus said he would raise the temple in 3 days. Died on Preparation (Friday). Rested on Sabbath (Saturday). Rose on the first day (Sunday). So, we can choose BY FAITH, to freely enter the Sabbath without worrying about a single law, because Jesus fulfilled this day for us as well. Faith is the key here. Remember we don’t have to work for salvation, only believe. By believing the word of God we can do all things in the name of Jesus Christ.

 I’m not getting into the debate of Sunday, because everyone who had a hand in shifting established days and times (Isaiah 14:12), as told by Daniel 7:25, should know by now prophecy came to pass just like it is written (Daniel 8:25 & Revelation 13:11 – 18).

My thought is, that equating Sunday in the minds of those who follow the denominations, to the Sabbath, the 7th day is not right.

Some will argue that I’ve taken scripture out of context. But in Isaiah 42:8 the Lord says “I will not give my glory to another”. This meat you found on Spiritseid will not accuse, just the spirit of truth as I have found it to be.

Very important; don’t worship the day. Worship the Lord on the Sabbath. Leave room for love and mercy Mark 3:4. Romans 14:6-7 also says “whoever observes a day as special keep it as unto the Lord.” And it also says “Whoever abstains, do so as unto the Lord”.

In short, it is very good to have balance in your lives and realize the great things God has done for us. We are set free from sin, not to be bound by the regulations of men, but by the commandments of God as told in Ecclesiastes 12:12. The arguments of men may sound good, but the word of God is supreme and sets us free from traditions and unrighteous regulations, John 8:32

I’m not going to knock Sunday keepers because I sit with some in a church sometimes. But I will say, the Lord DID NOT change the Sabbath or abolish it. “Not one jot or ink spot will be removed from the Law,” Jesus said. For those who will panic; Paul did say “If one keeps the day, keep it as unto the Lord,” and also “If one does not keep the day, do not keep it as unto the Lord”, Romans 14:6-7. But, by faith, we can do all things in Christ.

Open your Bibles and don’t be misled by anybody, Revelation 3:11 – leaders make the same mistakes you do. We will each be accountable on the day of judgment, no leader will be able to take your place before the mercy seat. We interpret stuff and make traditions the rule of thumb. But we now have a lot of information available, for a time. Use it to learn and pass on the knowledge of truth.

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