Why The News You Need is Found on Spiritseid

Think about this for a minute. You keep hearing news about a certain thing that happening. It doesn’t interest you right now because you have a lot going on. It is there though, and you can’t ignore it because every time you turn around there’s news about it. What is it? It can be anything. There’s so much news going on in the world today and yet, there is some good news hidden away that you may be hearing.

Billions of people are worried about the environment. The news about climate change is all over the place and the effects, seem to be everywhere. Pollution is surely going to ruin the future for the young folk today. Scientists the world over are diligently working on ways to improve climate prospects. Reduction in greenhouse gases, pollution, forever chemicals, plastics, and so much more are ruining the environment.

About climate change, there is certainly good and bad news. The pollution ruining the world is called sin and corruption and godlessness. These have led to greed and gluttony and the love of money, which leads to wicked actions and godlessness. The very image the world is working to remove from itself has taken action to save the world. God is calling those who will respond to the message of salvation.

Most people know the name Jesus Christ. May or may not have heard about salvation in Jesus Christ. The gospel of Jesus Christ. Being saved or what have you. But have you heard the story of the kingdom of heaven? Jesus preached “repent because the kingdom of heaven has come near you”. In Matthew, Jesus was telling his disciples to seek first the kingdom of heaven instead of worrying about food & drink or clothing.

We hear salvation and we hear we are saved if we believe in Jesus. While that is valid to preach, Jesus had this to say to one of the religious leaders in John 3:5, “No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit”. To the disciples he had said “the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.” And in Luke 8:18 Jesus warned the disciples, “be careful then how you listen”.

The truth of salvation is that we are redeemed to be made fit for the kingdom of heaven. In the book of Revelation, it is written of the City of God, “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life”. You do not have to worry, only believe in Jesus and the work is done from the inside out of every believer.

What does all this have to do with climate change? God has testified in the Bible that He is going to bring everything into judgment. The earth will be renewed when that happens to become like it was originally meant to be. Without sin. Currently the earth is corrupt and under bond to sin. Everyone born on earth, is born in sin. The gospel is all our invitation our of sin and into the kingdom of heaven, as we are remade in Christ.

When God sent Yeshua (Jesus) to earth to redeem mankind who believes, through his death and resurrection, it was to redeem us for the kingdom of God. This earth, the current life we live will be put away and a new kingdom that is already among us will take its place. The kingdom of God, which is within those who believe God and keep his word.

When you hear the gospel preached, it is your invitation to learn the truth of what God has done for those who believe him. It is written do not harden your heart if you hear his voice. The climate crisis we are observing in our current time is prophecy taking place. Soon the kingdom of God will take the place of the kingdom of mankind. Satan’s time will be up and his judgment complete along with those who are deceived to follow him.

Who will God choose for the kingdom? Those who have been purified and repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, who overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of the testimony we are given in this life, according to Revelation 12:11. The message we preach is the Love of God that has brought redemption from the corruption of this world. Repent and come to Jesus Christ and be made fit for the kingdom of heaven.

You won’t need to worry about the environment. We will gain one that is not toxic because God will live in the kingdom with those who hear and turn accept His Salvation. Come learn about the kingdom of heaven and the need-to-know Jesus Christ, the Lord and savior of the world. If you see this message and are moved, come and learn what the Bible is and the message that is in the Bible.

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