What The Devil Doesn’t want Us to Know About The Bible

Maybe you’ve resisted believing in God because of church people or the opinion of other people who don’t believe. Life is a push and pull when it comes to our beliefs. You may have heard people who believe in talking about sin you know nothing about, or idols, and things that don’t have anything to do with you. It’s been generations of the same thing, so why should you believe in God?

 God made his word simple. Believe him and live eternally when Jesus returns. Don’t believe God and die the second death at the judgement. God’s gift of life is offered to all people & nations on earth through the generations, the choice must be made individually to believe God and become part of the kingdom of God.

The truth of life is that we are born to die and go to hell because of sin. God offered us a way to live forever by believing in Jesus; that is what the popular verse of John 3:16 says. The Bible tells us in John 14:15 how those who believe, and who come to love God, will live. All of this comes with time, it’s best not to fake anything or rush, so you can mature in the work God begins inside us when we believe.

The Bible also tells us about the devil, who now rules earth because of sin. John 14:30 tells us the truth about the devil, in this verse Jesus tells us the devil has no power over him; that is, the devil could not control Jesus while He was on earth, and is judged and will not be with Jesus in eternity. When this life / earth as we know it ends, the devil and sin will end too.

This same devil, also called Satan, wants us to remain ignorant about what is in the Bible. Many people today are ignorant of the history of the earth, that there was even a war in heaven at one point between God’s angels and the devil and his angels. That there is going to be a judgment of all created things in heaven and earth. God has judged the devil and will send him to hell at the judgment with the angels who follow Satan. Revelation 20:10 explains “The devil who deceives them (people) was cast into the lake of fire (hell).

The devil wants us to remain ignorant that the Bible is an upright book that explains that God is a just judge. John 3:16 says life for those who believe. But John 3:18 explains that “those who do not believe are condemned (the 2nd death)”. That means, we are born to die and be condemned at the judgment, because we are born in sin (controlled/enslaved by sin). In our birth condition, if we die without believing God we are condemned to the second death, with the devil.

This same devil would love if we don’t believe God when we hear the gospel, that is don’t believe in Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the only way to be saved from the effects of sin. The devil would love even more if we believe God is unjust from hearing or misunderstanding the Bible message. While we are all free to believe what we want or what governments or other people tell us; especially that we ourselves or religious entities can save us, it isn’t exactly true. Believe in Jesus when you hear the gospel and you will be saved. Believing in Jesus is the only way.

Other religions and other gods have been a thing for generations. Some of the popular ones of our time are Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, and many others; some even based on the Bible. While religion is not inherently a bad thing – believing in Jesus Christ (Yeshuah Messiah) is the only name that can save from the wrath to come because of sin.

The church (those who believe the gospel), the people of God, have a common mission. Christians (people who by faith believe in Jesus) all over the world are sharing the truth of the gospel so all people alive can hear the truth. God calls us all to salvation through Jesus Christ by the hearing of the gospel.

The enemy of God, the devil, would love if you do not believe what’s written in the Bible. He has given the people of the world many religions, experts, and teachers who dole out information about living happy, spiritual lives, or being good people. Without believing in Jesus Christ, it doesn’t matter what else we do.

Those alternate paths to peace & a fulfilling life may work. But if you choose not to believe in Jesus, make sure you enjoy your life to the fullest. Life ends at death if we don’t believe but may continue when we resurrect to be with Jesus.

Believing in Jesus gives us the assurance of coming back to life when Jesus returns to live in a remade world where sin, violence, and death don’t exist. The Bible has the truth written in it so we come to an understanding of sin, the reasons for death, our choices, and what happens when we believe.

The number one things is to know that God loved us so much, that he gave us His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should have everlasting life, as told in John 3:16. But it is important to read John 3 – 3:17-18 gives a glimpse of what will happen to people who do not believe the gospel when they hear it, or abuse the gospel for their own benefit.

The competing messages of varying religions and the fears or weariness about them have complicated the message in the Bible. That includes Christianity where unseemly behavior by members or pastors has been happening. But it is important to understand the message in the Bible to know for sure that not everyone who says they believe is saved, it is those who do believe that will be saved from the wrath of God. Jesus says, believe and you shall be saved. But we each must believe in Jesus.

God did send Jesus to die to save anyone who believes in him. The Bible also tells us what happens to people who believe. Many have come to a conclusion without reading the Bible for themselves. That conclusion is usually to not believe or to condemn the message in the Bible. While you’re still breathing you can always seek the Lord for yourself. Because in truth, God is a just judge who will save anyone who turns to him and believe him. He will also condemn those who do not believe because he is a righteous judge who sticks to His word. We can gain a peaceful kingdom ruled by God, forever, if we believe in Jesus. What happens if we choose not to believe has been explained and will continue to be explained each time we believers share the gospel.

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