The Plain Truth

The truth of life is simple. God who is love, God created, His creation fell and was dying, so God came to die in place of His creation, so we could live. The love, generosity, power, and grace of God is beyond anything we can understand. What He gives us to eat is the simplest of the meat first, displaying His full wisdom and compassion. There is no need to guess, only believe. When asked why I spend my talents spreading the gospel, I will say the Lord took my sins and set me free and gave me life and the joy of His presence even though I didn’t deserve it. I’m not special or have a higher calling than anyone else. God gives grace freely for us to accept because he loves us. His name is Jesus Christ and through our testimony, we are able to tell others what He has done for us. We carry the message of the gospel because we believe in Jesus as God’s offering & sacrificial lamb, for all of us as told in the book of Isaiah 49:6. This is a gift we can use to glorify God with everything we’ve been given.

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1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 7 says “We declare God’s wisdom,” and God’s wisdom is declared for all of mankind to know. John the Apostle tells us about the angel flying through the air with the eternal gospel shouting in a loud voice in Revelation 14:6-7, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water.” And so, we evangelize the truth of the gospel, “Jesus Christ crucified & Jesus Christ risen” (1st Corinthians 2:2).

The whole gospel is built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ’s prophecy, testimony, crucifixion, and resurrection. When we have turned to Jesus we evangelize the Word of God and help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God. We do it because of the freedom we’ve been given to worship in truth and in spirit so that others can receive the freedom we received when we turned to God. Jesus says, come to me all you who are burned and heavy laden. We tell you to repent and turn to God and receive the salvation given to the world freely.

In the book of Matthew chapter 16 verse 14, Jesus says “If anyone wants to be my disciple, they must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me”. That is the truth. If your heart is moved toward the gospel when you read or hear, do so. We are called just as we are to Christ without judgment. We’ve all sinned according to Romans 3 verse 23. No sin is better or worse, all sin is an abomination to God, who decided to make a way for us by the acts of Jesus. We who received the gospel know how good it is and share the message of the gospel as freely as we receive it, according to the will of God.

While we are given free will and are allowed to say anything we want, we who love God remember the words Jesus spoke to the scribes and Pharisees of his day, in the book of Matthew 23 verse 15: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You travel across land and sea in order to win one convert, and when you succeed you make that one twice as much a child of hell as you are”. Out of love, we speak the same truth that delivered us out of darkness. Love for God and people compels us to keep to the truth because we know how the gospel ends. Christians are all sinners reformed, if we bend the gospel in order not to offend those who hear, we may as well put the Bible away and say we don’t believe it. We tell the unvarnished truth we were convicted of, so the Holy Spirit can lead to the light, those who are willing to come to the light. The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes, according to Psalms 19 verse 8 – a reminder to me not to change the truth. Through Spiritseid I evangelize the plain truth because the word of God is perfect and able to convert without me making up stories. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts, making a new creation out of those who listen, according to what is written in 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 17.

2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 reminds us that in Christ we become a new creation (people). Your old life is gone (dies at baptism), and a new life has come (by the Holy Spirit). And in Titus, we are told 2:7 to set an example by doing what is good, that in our teaching we are to show integrity and sincerity. The way people see us living, is our first testimony, regardless of circumstances, and then when we speak we will be able to show the fruits we bear. When we turn to Jesus our hearts change from self-seeking lusts to Spirit-filled beings. So we are enabled to speak the truth in love to those we testify to, we lift up the name of Jesus Christ and what He has done in us.

By telling the simple truth of the gospel, rather than telling lies to win members, we set an example of truth from the start. We don’t have to remember anything; the Holy Spirit will do His work in the hearts of those who hear the message and repent. We disarm the lies digested by the heart while sin is still present, as 2nd Corinthians 10 verse 14 explains. Those who choose to spread the gospel in truth and love know that we speak from the testimony God has given us, so when we are questioned we turn to the gospel knowing that the truth is there, knowing that by speaking the truth, in meekness and in love to those who listen to us we speak the spirit of freedom and truth to our audiences; our words spoken by the Spirit will allow a soul to make a decision to deny their fleshly desires and follow Jesus, just as we were allowed to do when we heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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