Mystery of the Gospel
The one who knows nothing believes he knows everything. The one who knows everything knows that he knows nothing if what he knows isn’t of God. There is only this bitter pill for the one who loves to explore fantasy. But in a little while the ruse of folklore will be proven for what it is. Lies will be turned on their ears. Truth alone will stand in the end. That is the message uncoded to our generations when we hear the words of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Coded messages
The message for the generations is to repent and look to the Kingdom of God. While some who received our message danced, some enjoyed the entertainment the messengers provided them, and some scoffed openly – a few believed the message and the salvation through the one whom it is given, Jesus The Anointed. Life carries on merrily; people marry and are being given into marriage, as it is written. But now we plead with you to repent and seek life from the one who gives it freely. The hour of judgment draws ever nearer, even while the kingdom of heaven is near you.
There will be no more sacrifices given for the world. The stars you have soothed for answers will soon flee from the coming wrath of God, leaving you in darkness. The proud heritage you cling to will mean nothing. The fire I send will cleanse everything in its path. Even if you run to the ends of the universe you will face the judgment prepared for all. You will be given up to the One the stars and planets fear as even the stars and constellations for answers. The judgment is set for all.
The message uncoded
The elaborate knowledge you have spent generations trying to decode; that same that seemed shrouded in mystery – the one you say is hidden in your genes. It seemed so far out of reach, but now I will tell you it is a simple message. The things I desire for you, things that have been spoken now for generations. That message is uncoded and available for all to heed. The last of it has the same meaning. Repent, because I am coming soon. Judgment and your reward are coming with me.
1st John chapters 4 & 5
Matthew 3:2 & 28:19-20
Hebrews 1:12
Revelation 22:10-13

[…] naive, are called to have a certain character because of who they are. Their light shines so others can see. When the naive refuses to shine and goes dark, joining evil in its missives, the […]