Song of the Prodigals

You hold strength in the palm of your hands

This you revealed when you found us wandering the lands

You called to us and sang us songs that called to mind

The days we long for sitting in your house

You shouted to us from the bows of the veranda

On several rounds we made walking past you

Don’t continue to pass your house come home

When you saw our tired feet fainting under our weight

You were the one who came to carry us the rest of the way

With loving embraces and kisses

You gave salt to the salt-less

Meaning, where everything was a jumbled mess

What we could not ask you provided no less

Food for our hunger

Wine for our parched throats also

Assurance that you would not leave us alone

Celebrated our healing with reckless abandon

God, my God, how your love has taught our vagabond hearts

That death no longer matters and sin no longer rules us

And here we are being offered a Kingdom and everything we could not earn

While even of the lessons of greater value we learn

You have demanded nothing but for us to believe

You show the plans you have set before us to delight us

As if we had been loving and obedient children

With so much love you counsel your unworthy servants

What we do not know, your wisdom counsels

Encouragement to live in Yeshua Messiah, the light of the world

How the Anointed smiles ear to ear seeing his little ones come near

Even oh even, while we yet walked in trembling and fear

Everything made us wilt, eyes wide and set to run

And yet we only hear from you, no my child, come

With your own blood, you clothe us in new clothes

Our hearts, oh thoughts dipped in joy no longer thudding woes

We still do not believe we saw you run to meet us

Because we know we are guilty of saying we hadn’t seen enough

But your faithful word preserved us and locked our mouths

Your Spirit kept us through sin and temptation that should have doomed us

But you have proven your might by deed

And gave dry bones the life it should lead

Who has ever heard of clay gaining salt

But we are your witnesses who have all crawled

In the murky places you pulled up your sleeve to rescue

And look now Lord, look, your wandering children can praise you

Oh, oh heart full of thanksgiving

Confidence in knowing

Full of Spiritual vision

Praising our God for Jesus Christ risen

You have given us love to give to all of our brothers and sisters

A new life in Jesus and testimony to all others

Our haunts and demons are shaken far and wide

Because the temple is rebuilt and renewed full of light

A beacon to the lost

Testifying that The Holy and Anointed paid the full cost

So we can now with your saints raise our voices

And sing the dirge you prepared for your loved ones from the highest heights

The song you have prepared is sweet incense

Joy of the heart that brings promised effervescence

We sing like the captives by the rivers of Babylon

We also sat down and wept when we remembered our captivity and wandering

But, God, we sing most about the grace that saved us

These are the things we see looking out the window of our finished houses

We are no longer captive to sin and temptation

And our mouths are now full of your glorious invitation

For all to join the life of your Son

Come home, come home we sing to all we see passing

You too, are the Father’s beloved, dear children

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