I’m Only Human

I’m only human, has covered a lot of bad outcomes over the years. Can’t claim to know how far back those words go, but there’s almost always a trainwreck when we use them to let people know it happens to the best of us. I’ll even admit they’re sort of soothing when we get to use those words. ‘Only human’ tends to lose its luster as we learn the truth and mature, in a spiritual sense. Those who know what I mean usually thank the Lord for His redemptive power and unfailing love; the fact that God does not leave anyone the way He finds them when they believe Him.

The hassles of life can drain strong people to nothing. I would argue that even the best of us end up looking foolish while doing our best at simple things. There are many lessons in the Bible that reminds us we ought to bear fruits in keeping with repentance instead of worrying over things we can’t do anything about.

What does repentance mean? One definition of repentance is to change one’s mind; in the sense that I’ll be speaking about – it is to change one’s mind about God. Believe that He exists. Our lives can change when we believe God and believe in Jesus. It depends on the mindset of the individual. That does not mean we’ll suddenly be perfect because we change our minds and believe God. Those who truly believe are given a new mind and a new heart. Paul spells it out in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind”.

Life rises and falls, abounds and dwindles for all of us. The cycles can seem mindless if we have no purpose. That sort of life is just to live, get stuff or stay poor, and die. King Solomon in the Proverbs called living and doing, ‘meaningless, utterly meaningless,’ he says, “everything is meaningless”. There are times indeed where I feel meaningless. Thanks to the Lord, I have hope to turn me back from any depression.

With all the temptations and struggles we face in life, all the addictions we see people get hooked to, the lusts; I find my purpose and peace when I sit with the Lord to study the Bible. In John 14, Jesus said “those who love him will keep his commandments”. It struck me that he didn’t say those who believe in him. Those who love him would keep his word. Some interesting things happen when we believe God and keep His commandments.

Once upon a time I was one of those who didn’t know what to believe. I grew up learning about who Jesus and hearing nice sermons. Tt was not until I fell hard and lived the lifestyle of dream and woman chasing that I discovered how utterly meaningless life is without Jesus, the Yeshua (Salvation) of God. Wake. Play or work. Eat. Sleep. Die. Everything you get is to pass on to someone else, whether it be strangers, your children or your children’s spouses. I believe that is why King Solomon said the things we do are utterly meaningless.

But God sent Jesus to us to give us back the purpose and meaning He originally created us to have. In John 10:10 Jesus says ‘I have come that they may have abundant life’, about the people who believe in Him. He further says elsewhere “Those who keep my words will not die”. When we repent and believe God, we have the hope of living forever because of Jesus Christ. By believing God we are redeemed from sin, from this life for the kingdom of heaven, which will last forever. God will live with his people, scripture tells us.

Believing God can change even our situations. It depends on your mindset – as Jesus says “the one who believes, nothing will be impossible for him” More important he spoke to some of those He healed by saying “as you believe, so it may be done for you”. Believing God we gain faith and a life that we cannot otherwise gain. By having faith we are able to live abundantly in this life as we prepare for the next life.

What will that next life look like? You will need to study the gospel. But we are going to live a life free from sin and the evils we see in this age. Satan, the devil who deceives the whole world will not be there. So we will be free to live without the present temptations. No death. No wicked people.

But until the next time, repent because the kingdom of heaven has come near you. If you would like to know more about God’s word, come hang out with me by subscribing or getting in touch. You can also open a Bible and find everything I write about there. If you would like to join my upcoming study group, send me a message. Remember, Spiritseid is always free and the content you find here can be shared freely.

If you are already a believer I encourage you to bear fruits in keeping with repentance and, act on them instead of what makes you say “I am only human”.

Blessings and peace to you.

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