Growth Perspective

When the positive outcome of your goal is your focus, obstacles are only tests for your progress – reasons for adjustments or celebration. Take time to give thanks and to gauge whether you will need to adjust or carry on. Everything else is useless.

It could be a mantra, but it is more truth. A positive outlook creates trust, trust creates boldness, boldness creates confidence, and confidence leads to action. That doesn’t mean our nerves won’t get the best of us sometimes. It means that even through nerves or outright fright you will be focused on the steps you need to take and the minute actions of those steps.

When confidence is bold, the only thing stopping positive outcomes is your actions. The Bible tells us God works things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Those who have turned to seek the truth come with a new confidence, not based on self but based on Jesus Christ. The only things to fear then are procrastination and hesitation. Don’t make any deals with either of them.

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