Coming to Jesus can be as simple as knowing that we can because he is, and He will not turn us away. Coming to Jesus can also be difficult if we have questions about how to, or even if God will give us the time of day. Be sure of this; if your heart is moved toward Jesus Christ, it is because God has called you to come to His Son for the salvation prepared for you from the beginning of creation. All you must do is believe in Jesus and confess his name with your own lips. The Lord said through the prophet Isaiah; “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name, you are mine” (is., 43:1). If the Lord has called you to have life in Jesus, it is because He wants you to be His, and that is a sure word. Just believe.
What does God call us to do
Wherever you were the first time you felt the desire to know Jesus Christ, realize that your name may be on the lips of the Lord. You may want to know who Jesus is, or how to grow closer to Jesus, but you don’t know where to begin. The gospel message did stir your heart. God did say in Isaiah 43:1; I have redeemed you. Even if you are conflicted, it is worth believing the word of God and exploring the truth. You only need to believe that Jesus Christ is and search him out. Believe and allow the Holy Spirit to convict you and lead you to the truth; God calls us to believe in Jesus Christ, where your life will begin anew.
How we answer the call
Some people may say there is a right way or wrong way to answer the call. Jesus is the way and he only says “Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. I’m wrote this article this way because there are people who have questions on whether they can come to the Lord, because they believe they’ve done a lot wrong in life; I did too! You’re not disqualified from answering God’s call. Whatever your circumstance today; whether you don’t have a church to go to, are in trouble or just come out of trouble, Jesus will not turn you away – John 6:37. The answer to your questions is simple; believe in Jesus. Pray and you will realize how faithful the Lord is, who says, “You may ask me anything in my name and I will do it” (John 14:14). Then read your Bible and consider joining a group of believers who actively read the whole Bible; still actively read your own Bible.
If you’re afraid of confessing the truth about your life, in prayer; what you did is done in plain sight. Close your door and say your prayers to God in private, quietly. God’s grace outdoes the words “If God only knew what I’ve done”. The Lord already knew what we would do, but Jesus Christ came and died for us anyway; Proverbs 5 verse 21 explains this. Our lives under sin aren’t lived pretty, but, the grace of God outweighs our sin, our guilt, and our baggage. Here is the truth according to the Lord Jesus, “The truth shall make you free” (Jn 8:32). Only come in prayer believing in Jesus and confessing your sins to Jesus even; lock your door and whisper your prayer. Jesus wants to take your sin and shame away so that you can boldly go before God in prayer as testified to in 1st John 3 verse 21.
Coming boldly in prayer begins the minute YOU believe.
Coming to Jesus is as personal as sitting down to eat a meal. Although we who choose to share the gospel in churches, on the streets, in homes, on TV, or the internet make appeals for you to come to Christ, the decision to accept the work of the Spirit within you, is solely yours. That does not mean that we can’t stand up with you or even walk with you to the water at baptism if you want company; God weighs the heart and that is where your decision should be made, as explained in Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12.
No one should force, coerce, or shame you into accepting God; Though we do speak with varying forms of seasoning in our appeal, not everyone will agree with it. God desires willing hearts that seek Him, and to those who believe in Jesus Christ God gives salvation (Isaiah 55:1). Therefore, as God desires to save our peoples, so we who choose to share the gospel present the word of God to anyone willing to listen, and the Holy Spirit works within us, both the presenter and the listener/reader (Matthew 28:19); leaving the act of coming to Jesus Christ up YOU whose convictions lead you to believe Christ.
If you’ve read this far, join me for the next article and please let me know your thoughts in a comment.